Friday, April 14, 2006

Chocolate is a Girls Best Friend!

A while back my mother bought me some mini Cadberry Creme Eggs. I put them in our pantry for safe keeping (Well I thought it was safe). This morning Hannah and I were getting ready and we came downstairs to get breakfast together. I am, of course, running around like crazy because I never wake up early enough. Hannah is playing on the floor doing her own thing.

I obviously left the pantry door cracked, because after all of my crazy running around I look to find Hannah sitting contently at the pantry door. She had VERY quietly pulled the Cadberry creme eggs out of the pantry, unwrapped one and was diving in. She had gotten through the chocolate and was sucking the creme out of the middle by the time I discovered this!

So naturally, what do I do? I grab the camera! It would have been sad to let that moment pass. I am sure you can not get the full effect from the picture, but atleast I will have the real memory in my head when I look at the picture!

After our picture session, I start picking them up. I take the egg out of her hand and she dives for the others rolling around on the ground. I guess you can say she is a true female!

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