Friday, July 21, 2006

I did good!

Clapping has become one of Hannah's greatest joys in life. She claps at everything, especially when she does something good.

We watch Wheel of Fortune at night, and she claps when they get excited. She sees herself in the mirror and she claps. She simply walks around clapping.

The best thing is when she is carrying something around and gets excited. She stops, leans down to place the object on the floor, leans back up and then claps. It is so funny, because she doesn't just let go of the object and let it drop to the floor. She very nicely places it on the floor. She also gives you a big grin when she does it, so it makes it even more cute.

It is just amazing how she knows when she has done something good. What's even better is she also knows when she has done something bad. But I have to say she is really good about not doing something when she knows its bad. Well, it is not that simple, but atleast she will get really close to doing and give me that look like "I am about to touch it, when you are going to say no." Sometimes she will still do it, but a majority of the time she will stop and onto the next thing.

I know I say this a lot, but she is just so fun. It is amazing how much she is learning every day.

Well, I hope everyone has a good weekend. Talk to you soon.


Kim said...

That's such a cute story. I'll bet she likes it when you clap for her too.

BASSakward Tales said...

post some more pictures when you can. i miss both of you. i will try to update my blog soon. love ya