Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sorry I have been slacking.....I know I say that everytime. Life is just a big hustle and bustle and sometimes I get lost in it!

Hannah is just growing like a weed. She is learning so much, so fast- sometimes I look at her and think, "Hey, I don't even know you anymore. What did you do with my baby?" She responds to what I say and she just tries so hard to spit out every word she can. Her vocabulary is expanding everyday- but so is her independence, attitude, opinion, etc., etc. You see where I am going with this.

There were a couple of days last week I thought I was losing control!!!! Dinner plates were being tossed across the room, necklaces and shirts were being pulled, bodies were going limp, tears were flowing and screams (from both of us!) were going off. I felt like a demon had taken her over. I even had a girl at work pick me up a brochure on child-rearing classes. THANKS- really! (I should toss it back though since she is about to have her own bundle of joy any day now!)

But she was getting over a virus she had all weekend, so I think that was a lot of it. We are over it now and my sweet little angel has come home. She just toddles around talking and picking up everything in site and on the shelves.

I was talking to a friend last night who asked about Hannah, and it is so hard to really explain how awesome she is, and I am having that same problem now. Just take my word for it- she is a ball full of energy that amazes me everyday.

I am trying to post pictures, but my new camera is really wierd. I have some coming soon.

1 comment:

BASSakward Tales said...

we really enjoyed seeing hannah this weekend. she is so much fun. she was absolutely precious after her bath. i miss you bunches.