Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What exactly are "Age Appropriate" chores?

I am not real sure what is going on with my blog this morning, but it is underlining and making everything blue like a link- wierd! So I am just going to go on with my story.

So what are "Age Appropriate " chores? Hannah is very interested in the cleaning aspect of the house. I have a mini dust pan that she takes out and tries to pick things up, and as you can see below she also has a passion for swiffering! Is it so wrong of me to stick a swiffer pad on the bottom and let her have at it!

I mean she seems to want to help, so why not let her? And I must admit she is very talented with the swiffer. But personally, I like swiffering ALOT more than I do other chores around the house- and now that I can make the decision on who gets what chores, Hannah better get a knack for folding clothes! Since that was my chore as a child, I am so over it. So I will just make Hannah dislike it as much as I do, then she can make her kids and/or husband fold the clothes. It is just a mass conspiracy against clothes folding! Well I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! We are going to the beach, so we should have a lot of good pictures when we return next week.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Folding clothes must be the universal kid chore. Guess what we had to do growing up? Morgan likes waving the washclothes around and making little piles of handtowels. We're still working on her folding technique.