Tuesday, October 30, 2007

New School

Since I have begun my job on the Southshore, I have decided to move Hannah to a new daycare close to my office. And since Bill and I both work over here now, it seems silly to leave her on the Northshore.

She will start on Monday if everything plays out right, but I have been talking it up with her. She woke up this morning asking if she was going to her new school today. I thought that was a good sign, and then she talked about Gigi and Missy (her current teachers) being there. I immediately thought- oh no, this isn't going to go as smoothly as I thought. I knew I couldn't ignore it, so I told her that she would have new teachers at her new school and new friends, and that GiGi and Missy wouldn't be there with her. She looked at me for a second and then said "Ok." I started breathing again.

It is tough moving her, but I ultimately know it will be harder on me than on her. And it makes me feel better when I think about her at church. We visit new churches and I leave her in a room with a bunch of kids who she doesn't know, and she hardly wants to leave when I pick her up. That makes me feel better.

She has been at her current school for a year and a half and it will be sad to say Good Bye to them- especially our infamous friend Hazel. Hazel was the little girl who always bit Hannah, and now they are like best buds- go figure.

So just think about us next week as we transition to a new school. I will be talking to her about it a lot, and already feel a little sad leaving, but it is best for everyone. Now I can be 5 minutes away if she needs me, and not to mention Bill will be a lot closer to her as well. That is always good too.

I will let everyone know how it goes. Have a great rest of the week. And HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She'll probably do great at her new school! I'm sure she'll find plenty of new friends. Hope ya'll had a great Halloween!