Saturday, June 07, 2008

Run, Run, Run

I have recently begun running, which means Hannah has too. I have entered a few races, but was fortunate enough to have someone take Hannah while I ran. I say fortunate, because the past 2 races I have done this week have posed some new running challenges to me that I never really thought about. I mean, in all honesty, I should have thought about it since these same things happen all the time when we run regularly- for some reason I was thinking an actual race may be different- HA!

We ran our first race together on Thursday. Hannah had a blast. We were only sidetracked once with an emergency potty run. We also partook of the END of race munchies (bananas, water, etc.) before the race even begun. I bet these people didn't think they were providing an after school snack for Hannah!

Today, we ran another one that was longer than Thursday so Hannah was a little more ancy. Not to mention we were running by the lake and playgrounds, which is one of Hannah's favorite things to do- you can probably imagine how that went without further explanation. We stopped many times to pick up fallen flip flops and chap stick. Oh, and we had one melt down after I passed the drinking station half way through and didn't get her a cup too. Geeze, that was horrible!

So we are both learning how to do this together, but we both are really enjoying doing it. Hannah likes to show off her running skills too before and after the race. And like I mentioned before, she loves the snacks! So here is a picture of us after the race today. I totally forgot my camera on our first race!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, girls!
I'm so proud of you, both.
For those who haven't figured it out, Hannah rides in a 3-wheeled racing stroller.

I'm sure you will work out the problems. She does love to go running with you.
Love you,