Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Funny Hannah Talk

I think I could go on forever with these, and I have probably told a lot of you these same stories, but I thought it nice for me to save the memories for Hannah.

Hannah has become quite the little speaker and reasoner. Below are some Hannahisms.

Bath Tub:
H: The waters hot mommy.
M: I'm sorry.
H: It's not your fault mommy (haha. don't tell her who ran the water.)
M: I'm sure the water says its sorry too.
H: The water can't talk it doesn't have a mouth. (Haha. silly me.)

When I grow up:
This started because we were singing a song on one of her Cd's that talks about not wanting to grow up....
H: When I grow up I am going to be a mommy and cut strawberries.
M: Then what are you going to do.
H: I am going to drive and take you to school and I will go to work. (I bet you wish you were me because according to Hannah I get to go back to daycare where they MAKE you take naps. Hate it for me."

Going to Daycare:
This discussion happens about every morning.
H: Where we going?
M: To work and daycare
H: I don't have to got to daycare today, I went yesterday. (Geez. That's all I can really say about that one.)

American Idol and the microphone:
This happened when one of the guys was singing REALLY close to the microphone.
H: He doesn't do that. That is for singing the ABC's.
M: ??????????

Coloring on the way to school:
H: I am drawing a castle with my hand.
M: Pretty.
H: Look. TADA! (Now a lot of things are TADA)

I have tons of them and now that I sit down to write about it my mind is going blank. I need to just write them down. Needless to say, we are having fun and laughing a lot. The mind of a 2 (almost 3) year old is amazing. Oh, we have a new monkey song that may be funnier than the last. I have to capture it on video for everyone. It's awesome.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Dance Machine

This one is hilarious. Hannah likes to turn on my radio in the morning and dance around while I get dressed. She was particularly in the groove this morning. Check out the music in the background. This is what we jam out to at my house!

Oh, also pay attention that she is really dancing for the camera since she is smiling so intently that she looks a little...well....I'll let you just see.

My first experience with Fun Dip!

Hannah got a lot of yummy candy for Valentine's Day and below is our first experience, at least that I know of, with Fun Dip. I held the package most of the time and we only had one spilling casualty (Thankfully Bill had a new dust buster close at hand).

In case some you have forgotten the awesome candy Fun Dip. Its the package that comes with the edible stick and you basically dip the stick into the powder and you lick it off. Yum!