Thursday, November 09, 2006

Random Pictures

Hannah had her Chistmas pictures at school on Tuesday. Of course she wouldn't let me do anything with her hair. But the good news is that they said they might have gotten a couple of good shots, the others she was a little displeased with be made to sit in fake snow- but who could blame her. So this is what she looked like at th end of the day- bring on the proofs!

This is just a picture of Hannah this morning. She loves Sesame Street. She watches it every morning, and when we are leaving, she waves and says good bye to Elmo and everyone. And the benefit- I learn lots of new stuff too. We both get a Spanish word of the day and some times a sign language word of the day. I think I love it as much as Hannah (I know that is sad)

If can tell by the two pics, Hannah got another trim last night. Her bangs just keep growing right into her face, and I can't seem to train them to go over. I am trying to get rid of the mullet and people refering to her as a him- it really aggravates me. And I have some pics of that, but she was drooling a little and it didn't look pleasant enough to place on the blog- she had a two-tone shirt.

Well, everyone have a good one!

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