Monday, September 22, 2008

Fall is Definitely Here!

Hannah started with an innocent cough last week, and people kept telling me she was coughing. I think I was in denial, but I refused to take her to the Dr. for just a cough. And it was "just a cough." Well last night I had her sleep with me, so I could see how she was breathing at night- because we have been through this quite a few times, I get a bit nervous- and sure enough, she was sucking in at her chest to breath and wheezing away.

So, I opt to take her to the Dr. this morning and we are back on breathing treatments! I have to go dust off that stupid machine- in fact, I have to find it because its been stored away since last March.

And my favorite is when you take a "sick" child to the Dr. and other "sick" children are laying in their parents laps and looking sick and mine is literally bouncing off the walls. She was running across the room from game to game, and I am pretty sure the other parents were thinking "why did she waste that co-pay?"

Oh, and Hannah is becoming quite the drama queen. Every time she coughs she just looks at me with sad eyes and says, "I cough because I'm very very sick." HA. Whatever.

So, welcome Fall and Welcome Back little green breathing machine.


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry she's sick. The bean is also back on her breathing treatments. It must be something the hurricanes blew in. I hope you can knock it out quickly. Love to you both, Grandma

Anonymous said...

Yeah, The Bean has been getting breathing treatments since yesterday too! We gave up putting ours away quite a while back. It just sits waiting for the inevitable day that we need it again.

We're about to have to get a refil on our nebulizer meds soon. It's taken us a year, but we're about through the 4 boxes of albuterol they gave us originally. We've just used them as needed the past year instead of having to schlep her to the doctor every time she has a flare up.

Hope Hannah feels better soon!

BASSakward Tales said...

kiss my hannah for me. i hope she feels better. have you been back on my new stories and adventures. miss yall bunches.