Friday, October 12, 2007

Just call me fancy

I feel like every time I write now, I am apologizing for my negligence to keep my blog updated. Well life has been crazy for us as usual. Hannah and I are never real "still."

We won't have pictures for a bit on the blog, because I had an unfortunate event of having my purse stolen from my car with my camera. (I know, lock doors at all times.) So we will have to revert back to the times before I uploaded fun pictures and silly videos. At least for a short while..

Well, what has Hannah been up to. She talks non-stop. All the time. Never stops. On-going. I think you get the point. She is also quite a remarkable singer- but we all know who she gets that talent from- hehe. You should ask her to sing you a tune. You will be super impressed. She is quite the smart little cookie.

But beyond all of our normal growing mile markers, Hannah has become quite the avid princess. She LOVES playing dress up. Our sweet cousin Caroline had a whole mini suitcase full of dress up clothes and shoes that is now scattered from every corner of my house (I never in my life corresponded dress up with a HUGE MESS- who would have known). So she comes home each day and transforms into whatever beautiful princess she wants to be for the evening. The shoes are the best though. She won't take them off. I even had to throw her in bed with a pair on the other night- geez.

She loves to have her hair straightened in the morning before school. And she thinks all of her clothes are so pretty. The best part of all of this "super girlie" stage, is that she thinks everything mommy wears or puts on is beautiful. Having a 2 year old can do LOADS for your self esteem.

Other than that, we are onto all of our adventures. School, work (oh, I started a new job for those of you didn't know- yay for me), fun, cleaning- if you need something cleaned just give Hannah a lysol wipe and she will have it spic and span for you in just a few moments, along with all of life's other fun stuff.

Have a great weekend everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you and Hannah are doing good! I hope your new job is going good also! Love ya'll! :)