Thursday, November 15, 2007

Potty Confusion

We have made MAJOR strides in potty training this week. For three days in a row she has woken up with a dry diaper and used the potty. Her teacher told me yesterday that she only had to change her diaper once! YIPPEE! We are getting there. Our only hang up right now is the confusion on what to call the "items/stuff" we put in the potty.

Hannah is a bit confused on the subject. So below are Hannah's definitions of potty stuff.

Poo Poo = Tee Tee (she tells me her poopoo is yellow)
Diarrhea = Poo Poo (long story how that came about. In a nut shell, one day she had poo pooed and it was really smelly and I asked her if she had diarrhea- it stuck)

Two days ago I was changing her diaper- it was a bad one. She began to sing a diarrhea song. I had to laugh. I try to correct her, but for now this is our terminology, and hey, it makes me laugh when she screams out that she has diarrhea!

Oh, and Hannah has now identified poots, and she thinks those are seriously funny. We are in the processes of learning to use our manner after pooting and say excuse me, but it is usually a laughing excuse me.

Well, I guess I wrote another embarrassing blog that Hannah will thank me for later in life. Good Mommy!

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