Thursday, July 13, 2006

Don't leave Mom

Sorry I have not posted in a while. Work has been really busy and I haven't had time to even think about my poor neglected blog. Oh well, busy is a good thing!

Hannah is going through a very clingy phase. I can't get 5 feet from her without her screaming, and you can forget walking to the other room without her. I asked my friend at work, who also has a child Hannah's age, what was going on. She said that babies will go through a separation anxiety phase around 18 months. Oh my goodness! We are not even 15 months yet......what am I going to do.

I sit down with her every night and give her my undivided attention - hoping this will calm her a bit. I always tell her, "Mommy will be back soon." I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions would be awesome!!!

The good thing is that when I take her to day care she seems fine. Some days she will cry when I leave, but that is usually on Mondays after we have been together all weekend. And even if she cries when I leave, it lasts 2 minutes. I know because I watched the other day at school.

She was crying when I gave her to her teacher, and by the time I got to the gate of the playground she had stopped! This makes me wonder - is it really separation anxiety or is she just SPOILED!!!!!

Well, just another adventure in parenting. I am sure as soon as I figure this one out, we will be onto the one. I do have to admit, that sometimes I like it. Especially when she runs to me with that big smile and her arms wide open - it kind of melts me inside.

Also, I know I reported last week that Hannah had a new tooth on the bottom, well the other side came in also. I believe we are up to 12 teeth!!!!

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