Friday, July 28, 2006


Here are some recent pictures of Hannah. I hope you enjoy!

1) I am being brave and putting a picture of myself in my bathing suit on the web. AAAHHH! But it is a good memory for Hannah. As you can see, she liked the water as long as someone was really close. It is fun going to the beach with children because you find yourself acting like a child again (sitting the sand with the water, building sand castles, running and jumping over the waves)- you get the point.

2) Here is a picture of Hannah and I in our famous khaki and white pics. Not real close, but we are laughing really hard because Hannah kept shaking her head. Seems that she is not a big fan of the family pictures either!

3) Another picture of Hannah at the beach. Kirbo is taking her down to the water. That is after she had him bringing her pail after pail of water to fill her hole. I guess he thought it would be easier to just take her to the ocean instead of the ocean to her.

4) Hannah's first ponytail. Her hair is finally getting long enough to put up. It is really cute, but she pulls it out so she can't wear it up to school. I am just about ready to go for the first hair cut. Her hair is always in her eyes.

5) Ah...mischevious. Hannah really likes her new cousin, Claire. She likes to rock her in her toys, but most of all, she likes to poke her eyes out. It is really sweet to see her with Claire, because I thought she would not pay any attention to her since she doesn't do anything, but Hannah pays a lot of attention to her. I think Hannah will definitely take up for her when all the other older cousins want to get her!!!!!

Well I hope everyone enjoys the pics. I broke my camera at the beach, but I now have a new one. Hopefully, I will be able to post more pictures. Have a good weekend! Hannah is going to Alabama this weekend, so I hope all of you have an awesome time with her. She is bunches of fun!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hannah is so sweet. i heard something about a haircut? If you trim her bangs don't tell me :). I love yall some much. By the way i want to go to the beach and act like a kid!!! love ya, RENEE