Thursday, July 27, 2006

A few new tricks!

I know I have been slacking on my blog lately, but you would understand if you saw my desk!

Last weekend we went to my brother's house to play. For those of you who don't know, he has a daughter a month older than Hannah and a 3 year old. They put out the kiddie pool and Hannah had a blast. Although she was having a good time, I was a nervous wreck. Being the independent child that Hannah is, she did not want mommy to hold her hand the whole time. So I would let go while she was still and not trying to walk all around this pool, but then splash, hannah would lose her grip and under she would go. I would catch her arm and pull her up. At first I thought she might get scared and want to get out, but no, she kept doing it. I felt like I was constantly trying to save my child from drowning, but she loved it. So if anyone wants to go swimming in a baby pool with Hannah, make sure you don't have any distractions because she is not afraid to go under!

Hannah is also starting to pick up on a lot of words I am saying and I think it is so fun! We are working on getting out of the "point at what I want and whine" phase, so I am repeating what she wants when she points to it. We can officially say cracker! Although she still doesn't use it as well as I would like, we are getting there. She also says a little something that sounds like turtle, and she will point to the turtle when she says it. We still have a lot of learning to do because my niece who is a month older than her can say Speedboat!!!

She also knows milk. When she starts getting fussy for something, I say "where's your milk?" and that usually stops the fussing while she looks for it. We always keep it in reach for that purpose. Last night we were downstairs after dinner and it was time for bath. I asked Hannah if she was ready to go and take a bath and she darts to the stairs. I was not as fast as her getting up because she usually doesn't respond when I ask her, but I guess repetition pays off. She would walk back and look at me like "Okay come on I want to take a bath." I love that she is understanding me now. It kind of blows my mind when she does things like that because I still want her to be a baby and being able to communicate is a huge sign that she is not a little baby anymore, or atleast she won't be for long.

There are also a couple of really sweet things she is doing now that I LOVE! She knows to give hugs when you ask and give kisses. Although she has been slobbing kisses for a while; she is also becoming a wonderful hugger. Also, at night before I put her down, I tell her it is time to go night night and she curls up on me and starts to fall asleep. This is awesome because Hannah hasn't always been the biggest snuggler, but she is now.

Well those are a few things that have been going on with Hannah. I am working on posting some pictures soon, so look for those.

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