Tuesday, October 03, 2006

There's more than one way to say No!

Hannah has really gotten good at understanding what I am saying to her. I am finding many advantages to this. For example, she will put her toys in the basket, put her milk on the table, and whole bunches of new things. But she is also learning how to say No- in more ways than one!

On Sunday, Hannah took an early nap, so she went down again later in the afternoon. I didn't want her to sleep too long, so I went and got her up about an hour later. I let her lay on my bed to wake up slowly, but then it was time to get up. We were going to a friends house to eat dinner, and it was time to go.

Hannah was laying on my bed with her thumb in her mouth, balled up with her butt straight in the air. I started asking her questions like, "Are you ready to get up? " "Are you ready to go and eat?". At first, she was shaking her head no, but since she was face down on my bed, that was obviously too difficult. I noticed a second later that she hiked up her butt a little higher. I continued to ask her questions simply to annoy her. Do you know what she did? She answered me with her BUTT! She started shaking her butt in the no direction!

So I kept asking questions and she kept shaking her butt! By that time I was laughing so hard that she got up and jumped on me and it was over. But (no pun intended), how smart of her to use other body parts to communicate when other things weren't convenient. Although I would rather her not communicate with her butt, whatever works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i guess that is not the best thing but that is so cute!!!