Thursday, March 23, 2006

So today is my second post. I will eventually stop counting how may post I have!

I have been thinking on and off all day about what to write about. And I have ultimately decided to talk about pictures.

Hannah had her first school pictures a couple of weeks ago, and I went to pick them up the other day. Needless to say, Hannah was not her usual happy self. Her eyes are red with tears and her lips are all tucked in like she was really letting them have it. The sad thing is, I wanted to order tons of them! I couldn't stop laughing, and thinking off all the horrible ways I could torcher her with this picture when she gets older. Will I show it to her first boyfriend? Will I put it on her high school slide show? Will I put it in her wedding video?

It reminded me of a picture my father has of me that always ends up somewhere. I was about 5 or 6 (I assume) and we were at the beach. I have on my splatter paint bathing suit (oh yeah, I was the coolest!) standing outside of the swimming pool with my goggles on full of water. I laugh and those who know the picture may laugh too thinking about it. But the sad part is that my big sister (Amy) and big brother (Brad) are in the background just laughing at me - not with me, at me!

Anyway, this picture sat undisturbed in my father's office at work for years. My senior year of high school it came back to life. My sweet father, just trying to support our yearbook that I was the editor of, took out a full page ad, but what did he put in the ad. Yes, that picture took up an entire page in my yearbook! Oh the horror! And the summer passes, and when I leave for college, my father gives me a picture frame with the picture in it to place in my dorm room. Right now it is in a box waiting to be unpacked so that I can relive that moment, that I don't remember, all over again.

It just makes me wonder, will this be the picture that always come back to haunt Hannah?

1 comment:

BASSakward Tales said...

I am loving reading these posts. I sent you an email on how to post pictures. I hope this helps. Give Hannah bug a big ole kiss and hug. Love ya!