Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Water Baby

Since Hannah was born, my father has always asked how she like her bath. He really wanted her to like water, so she would like the pool at the beach. Well, I have good news for him.

Hannah has always liked her bath. There are a lot of times I wish I could keep her there all day because she is so happy. She splashes the water and plays with her toys. She never really minds when you poor water over her head. She kind of just blinks really fast and rubs it out of her eyes!

Well, last night Hannah was taking her bath and I was sitting there watching her play. All of a sudden she starts bending over toward the water. I look in the tub and she is dipping her face into the water! At times she would blow out and make bubbles, but she kept on doing this. This went on for quite a while.

I kept worrying that one time she would breath in and get choked up, but that never happened! It is like she is a natural swimmer.

So my dad can rest easy, because by the time summer gets here Hannah may be swimming around the tub instead of sitting in it!

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