Monday, June 05, 2006

A few stories from the weekend

Today I have a few things to tell about Hannah. Since it was the weekend, there are more things to tell.

1) Hannah had been running a low grade fever all weekend, but she was still happy. I figured she caught a little something at her new day care, and I didn't suspect teeth because we just got in two new teeth about two weeks ago. Yesterday I was taking her temperature and I just thought I would check for new teeth. Well, Hannah officially has two more teeth. They are in the back, so they are the big ones. That is exciting because maybe she can start actually chewing her food instead of inhaling it.

2) Hannah has not really been interested in walking. I mean she would if people really worked with her, but when we would get home she was not interested at all. I knew she would do it when she was ready, so I didn't push it. Well, this weekend she has shown the first signs of really wanting to try on her own. She would let go of things and take a few steps before falling on her bottom. Then she started letting go, but before she lost her balance and fell down she would sway back and forth like she was trying to learn to catch her balance. One time she was standing there and she was starting to lose her balance, so she squatted down, but didn't fall down, and pushed right back up to standing position. Another time she even walked to her drum set and played the drums with her drumstick (sometimes she plays with her hands, which would mean she would be holding onto something) and didn't fall down or hold onto anything. I know it won't be long now.

3) On Sunday, we went swimming at my house for the first time. The pool was really cold, so she wasn't real sure at first. We took it really slow and she eventually was fine. On one end of the pool, there is a ledge you can sit on. We made it there and I sat on the ledge with her. Hannah just curled up on and went to sleep. So on Sunday she took her mid-morning nap asleep on me in the pool. If I didn't have to get out because I was burning, she may have slept in there all day, but she took about an hour nap. This is a good sign for the beach this summer. She can take her nap in the pool, while I get some sun too.

4) Get ready for the Blueberry Muffins. On Sunday morning I took Hannah to PJ's, a coffee shop, and we ordered a blueberry muffin. You would have thought she had never eaten. She attacked it, almost worse than her birthday cake. I couldn't push it far enough across the table because she kept lunging for it. Needless to say, if Hannah ever comes to visit you better have Blueberry Muffins.

Well, that is a few highlights from the weekend. Hannah is so fun and becoming so sweet, but she is starting to show her little personality a little more everyday. Of course, there are some things that are great about her personality and others things we are going to have to work on.

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