Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hannah's New Day Care

I don't have an extravagant story about Hannah today, but I do wish to get on my own soap box today about Hannah's day care.

I visited a friend a few weeks ago who was 7 months pregnant with her first child. Of course, me being the veteran mom I am, I listen to what she says and think she is going to eat those words! She starts talking about how dirty day cares are and about the kinds of people who go to day cares. I politey look at her and say Hannah is one of those kids! She didn't say much and I figured, "Hey, if she wants to be naive then go ahead and let her."

Well, we go outside and her mother starts to talk to me. My friend is still in college, so she won't be able to work full-time. Her mother says, "If I have to go back to work to pay for a nanny then I will because (she who will not be named) does not want her baby going to day care." I once again think, "Are these people serious?"

Well, let me just tell you how happy and wonderful my child is. She did just recently change day cares (the reason we changed was not because anything was wrong with Hannah at all), but she is so happy and CLEAN! Yeah, she has been sick and this and that, but isn't that what kids do! We just can't protect them from those crazy germs forever. At Hannah's new day care, she colors, finger paints, plays in the sprinkler, goes outside everyday, has friends she follows around and teachers who she leaps out of my arms to go to! These are things that she would have never gotten sitting at home by herself with a nanny. I like to wonder what Hannah really would be like if she wasn't in day care.

Anyway, to get off of my soap box, I don't believe there is anything wrong with a child staying home with a nanny, it was just kind of shocking how they thought day cares were run. And I also know that each day care is not perfect for everybody, but I thank God everynight for letting me find Hannah's day care because I feel it is exactly where she is supposed to be.

Not to say there are not times when I get upset because I feel like someone else is raising my child, but I have to remind myself that that is not the case at all. They are simply enriching her life, which is what all of us in Hannah's life do - we enrich her life.

On an ending note, I hope I did not offend anyone with this post. I just wanted everyone to know how awesome Hannah's day care is!

1 comment:

Kim said...

We're trying to decide if we're ready for Morgan to go to daycare instead of having a nanny. She's done so well, that we may switch her over soon. Daycares can be fabulous places. I ought to know. I worked in one for two years while I was in college, and I must say that we did a great job with the kids we cared for. I'm glad that Hannah loves her daycare.