Monday, April 10, 2006

Here Puppy Puppy!

My sister, Amy, is about 3 weeks away from delivering her first child, so Hannah and I paid her a visit this weekend to do some last minute things.

Well, my sister has a dog who is very spoiled. She was kind of like my sister's first child, so you can imagine. She definitely has only child syndrome. Let's just say it is a good thing Hannah likes dogs!

Daisy, the dog, did not know what to do with Hannah. She didn't know whether to play with her or stay away from her. She would just walk around Hannah and let out a whimper of frustration. Hannah would sit on the ground and just watch her!

It is sad that Daisy was so confused because all Hannah wanted to do was play! When Daisy would get close to her and sniff her, Hannah would open her mouth and go in for a big ole kiss. One time Daisy actually licked her and she sat there and just laughed.

It was a very good learning experience for Daisy, but I think she may be spending a lot more time outside. Who knows, may be we should adopt Daisy for awhile! It sure kept Hannah occupied!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When Morgan was in Monroe, Mom said that she spent hours following Gisha around the house. Gisha on the other hand wasn't too sure she wanted to play with Morgan. I'm sure we'll get her a puppy one day.