Monday, May 08, 2006

Surprise Mom!

I know what a lot of you are going to say as you read this story, but I already know!

Yesterday, Hannah and I were at home just hanging out. I was laying on the couch as she played on the floor, and when Hannah plays on the floor she goes all over the place. My den and kitchen are like one big circle, so Hannah usually goes around the circle getting into everything. I have pretty much baby proofed everything, so I don't have to follow her around the house in circles - until yesterday.

We also have stairs in our house, but Hannah has never had any interest in them. She never gets near them or even looks at them, so they haven't been a concern. Well, I think yesterday she woke up and said, "Hey, today I think I am going to climb these stairs." And she did! While I was on the couch, Hannah was doing her circles around the house, but then suddenly it got very quiet. I immediately get up to see what she is in to and Hannah has climbed her way to the top of the stairs. Now I have two ledges, so she wasn't to the second story, but she was well on her way. I couldn't believe it!

So for the entire night I couldn't keep her away from the stairs. I was very curious how she did it, so I stood behind her and let her do it and I have to say I was impressed. It was like she had been climbing stairs her entire life! I know I shouldn't have done that, but since we have stairs in our house I figure she better start practicing (with supervision of course).

So I know what you are all saying. "Allison, you need to get a gate." So yes, I finally agree. It is time to get a gate!


Anonymous said...

This story made me chuckle. Just how long did you think it would take her to try the stairs. Ha Ha! Now they will be her favorite toy to play on. Hurry up and get that gate!

Anonymous said...

This story made me chuckle. Just how long did you think it would take her to try the stairs. Ha Ha! Now they will be her favorite toy to play on. Hurry up and get that gate!

BASSakward Tales said...

Just wait till you go to church and she disappears. That is exactly what Jacob did last night. The whole church is singing and I am frantically running out of the church, into the adjoining cemetary and looking at the creek that runs by the church. Where did the organist find Jacob? Hiding behind a church door. The whole church just about saw the DHR worker get picked up by DHR for child abuse.

BASSakward Tales said...

Just wait till she disappears out of church. That is exactly what Jacob did last night. Everyone else is singing, and I am running out of the church. I am outside looking in the cemetary and the creek that runs beside the church. One of the teenagers is helping me. The organist found him behind a door in the church. The entire church just about saw the DHR worker get picked up by DHR for abuse.